
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​San Damian​o College​ is a Catholic, co-educational secondary college in the Franciscan tradition and is a proud member of the south east Queensland network of Catholic schools.

The college is part of the Church’s mission to educate and support the faith of its members.

Through an equitable and just enrolment proce​ss, the college is open and accessible to all families who seek to share and support its Gospel values. We extend particular assistance to students at the margins of society. The college implements the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Enrolment Application Support Process for students requiring educational adjustments.

Key Dates

Please refer to the Key Dates below before submitting an​ enrolment application to ensure the year of enrolment you are seeking is currently open.​

Year 7 to Year 12 applications may be lodged up to 2 years prior to the year of enrolment.Please note that our very first Year 12 cohort will commence in 2026.

​​​Enrolments for 2024
Year 7 to Year 10
Subject to availability*
​​​​Enrolments for 2025​
Year 7 to Year 11
Subject to availability*
Applications for 2026​​
Year 7
1st round​ - CLOSED​
2nd round - CLOSED Friday, 21 March 2025
3rd round OPEN: limited places available - APPLY NOW​
Please refer to the enrolment process below.
Applications for 2026
Year 8 to Year 11
Subject to availability*​
​*Please contact the Enrolments Officer Victoria Price at enrolyarrabilba@bne.catholic.edu.au​ or on 07 5670 7000.

Enrolment Process

Our criteria, in order of priority is applied when enrolling students:

  1. Baptised Catholic from a Catholic school.
  2. Sibling of a currently enrolled student.
  3. Baptised Catholic from a non-Catholic school.
  4. Students from other faith traditions whose families demonstrate that they share the expressed values of the school and who are willing to support and contribute to the school’s vision and ethos.​

Step 1: 

You will receive an email from the College within 48 hours, acknowledging receipt of application. If applying for enrolment of more than one child, when the form is completed an option will be available to submit another enrolment for each additional child.​

Step 2:

Forward the following documents to the Enrolments Office: 
  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
  • Last 2 semester school reports and NAPLAN report (as applicable)
  • Any medical or specialist learning reports 
If noted in your application: 
  • Legal Documentation
  • Medical Action Plan​
  • Student Specialist Assessments
  • Passport and Visa
  • Australian Citizenship (if born overseas)​
Documentation may be submitted via:

Post: Attn: Enrolments, San Damiano College, 980 – 1040 Yarrabilba Drive, Yarrabilba QLD 4207​
In person: San Damiano College, 980 – 1040 Yarrabilba Drive, Yarrabilba QLD 4207

Step 3:

Once we have received all documentation, and should there be a vacancy, you will receive an email inviting you and your child to attend an Enrolment Interview with a member of our Senior Leadership Team. Applications are not finalised until all necessary documentation has been received. It is important that your child/ren who are enrolling attend this interview. Applications are processed in accordance with our ​​Enrolment Policy​.

Step 4:
Acceptance of Enrolment letters will be emailed to successful parents along with Confirmation of Enrolment Forms.
Should you have any queries about the enrolment process or the status of your application, please contact the College on 07 5670 7000 or email: enrolyarrabilba@bne.catholic.edu.au
We hope to welcome you to our wonderful community!


All families have the opportunity to seek a Catholic education for their child. Financial aid is available from all BCE schools, including San Damiano College​. Fee remissions, family discounts and other options​ are available. 

No child will be refused enrolment because of a family’s genuine inability to pay fees.

Please click here​​​ to view the 2024 Fee Structure.

Please click here to view the 2025 Fee Structure.


In accepting an offer of enrolment, families and students will:

  • Share in the expressed values of the colleg​e
  • C​ontribute positively and actively to enhance the spiritual life of the college
  • Commit to and support the Guidelines for the Religious Life of the School
  • Participate in and contribute to the achievement of the college’s mission
  • Abide by college rules
  • Pay fees and charges in a timely manner.

Supporting Policies 

The college’s enrolment process complies with the following (BCE) policies:

  • Enrolment of Students
  • Students with Disabilities
  • Financial Accessibility of Catholic Schools
  • Students who are at the Margins of Society and/or Out of Home.